(Documentation of Excel files sent to us, and explanations from partner)

These have been downloaded from email and stored in dualprocess/data/dv_data; or are only in Kiki’s files.

Full spreadsheet index of these, issues and key statistics: data/dv_data/table_of_sheets_sent.xlsx

7.1 2018 trial data

2018 test. Files in order in which they were received:

  1. 2019.01.17 TYEmailVideo_Results2
  2. 2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV
  3. 2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier
  4. Stats for DV Formula_TYVid (23rd August)
  5. 2019.08.27 TYVideo Impact Test DV 2

7.1.1 17 January 2019

TYEmailVideo_Results2.xlsx: includes both ‘direct gifts from email’; does not include the 9k gift because it had not happened yet (KK: first thing CRS sent us)

Other gifts (not direct) “7 days after the person opened the email, gifts made through any channel” (seems surprisingly high)

Q: check we interpret it correctly… it seems plausible but we want to know.

Q: what date is this up to (when had CRS checked their database)?

Within this Excel file (TYEmailVideo_Results2.xlsx)

  • The first table is total as of XX date

  • Second table ‘Direct Gifts from Email’: we think this means people who clicked on email link and donated

  • Third table is everything, broken down by donation range

  • Fourth table is everything, broken down by ‘Form Name’ … but we are not sure what it means

7.1.2 February

2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV.xlsx: Sent to Kiki, includes the 9k outlier; only included direct gifts

Note: this may be the same file as TYVideo Impact Test DV 2.xlsx

7.1.3 15 March email from Kiki

2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier.xlsx: Does not include the 9k outlier but otherwise has everything above (and no [in?]direct gifts)

unlinked-2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier.xlsx: Stored version of the above, removing problematic linked personal data

Kiki: ‘But I did manage to clear up what was happening with our test results. A donation of $9,000 was made in the control condition between the first set of data they sent me and the second. That’s what created all the confusion and discrepancies.’

Note: The ‘statistics’ files only include direct-from-email donations.

ISSUE: unlinked-2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier.xlsx has a different breakdown of donations in ranges/treatments than TYEmailVideo_Results2.xlsx even among the ‘email only’ group; some have more and some have fewer:

Control conversions, bins (<50, 50-99, 100-499, 1000+):

TYEmailVideo_Results2.xlsx : 6, 9, 13, 3 unlinked-2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier.xlsx: 4, 6, 13, 3

If the data came later, than why are there fewer conversions here, and these are NOT in the outlier category?

Treated conversions, bins (<50, 50-99, 100-499, 500-999): TYEmailVideo_Results2.xlsx: 19, 17, 25, 6 unlinked-2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier.xlsx: 26, 19, 21, 5

*Here we have more conversions in some bins and fewer in other bins, and not only the ‘outlier’ bins


[Kiki] Number of conversions between the first and second file. Some are higher (which is normal since more donations came in) but some are lower. I remember talking to CRS about this and they said that some donations don’t go through and that could explain seeing fewer conversions at a later file.

\(\rightarrow\) So the later file is more trustworthy

[Kiki] Revenue for control condition between first and second file. It’s way higher in the second one. Looking closer at gift distributions, we found an outlier donation of 9k. Which led to the 3rd file sent to us without it.

7.1.4 23 August

Stats for DV Formula_TYVid.xlsx: Requested statistics including ranks and sums of squares. Statistics clarifying individual donations and rankings.

Stats for DV formulas_TY Video-ID-removed.xlsx: As above, but also includes full list of donation behaviours (with ID removed)

7.1.5 27 August

2019.08.27 TYVideo Impact Test DV2.xlsx: Updates 2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier through August; but the only difference is 1000 more email opens and 1 click. ATM (20 Feb 2020) this is in Kiki’s folder only.

7.2 2019 trial data

16 Dec 2019 email “FW: thank you video a/b test” thread

tyvid-email-test-dv-2019.xlsx renaming of TYVid Email Test DV.xlsx (removing links): Probably includes only direct donations from email, probably not censoring outliers.

Stats for DV formulas_TYVid DV.xlsx: Requested statistics including ranks

2019.12.06 TYVid Email Test DV.xlsx: same content as “tyvid-email-test-dv-2019.xlsx” This is the correct stat, Larissa confirms

Q: These two sheets do not agree; the latter has fewer conversions; 44 and 35 donations … these may have been done on different days?

Resolution: the larger number is correct; Larissa checked and found 85 donations.

7.3 2020 update on the above

We were able to put together a connected dataset across both years with identifying information stripped. However, we are not permitted to share this ‘raw data’ publicly.

For our own records, the (.gitignored) files used for this are the following

2018: dualprocess/data/dv_data/archive-and-original/ID_link_2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier (1).csv, with identifying information stripped from 2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier (1).xlsx, mentioned above

2019: dualprocess/data/dv_data/archive-and-original/ID_link_2019.12.06 TYVid Email Test DV.csv, with identifying information stripped from 2019.12.06 TYVid Email Test DV.csv, mentioned above.

7.4 Table: excel sheets sent to us

filename suggest_using date-sent run sheets sheetnames outliers_y_n indirect_y_n base_gifts_email treat_gifts_email base_gifts_including_indirect treat_gifts_including_indirect incidence bins_ranges ranks rev_direct_base rev_direct_treat total_rev_email rev_incl_indirect_base rev_incl_indirect_treat sum_squares
TYEmailVideo_Results2.xlsx for indirect gifts only? 2019-01-17 2018 1 TYVideoEmail yes yes 31 67 241 267 yes yes no $5,366 7248 12614 30931 43448 no
unlinked-2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier.xlsx yes? 2019-02-01 2018 2 overall, bins no? no 26 71 NA NA yes yes no 5496 6423 11919 NA NA no
2019.08.27 TYVideo Impact Test DV2.xlsx yes? 2019-08-27 2018 NA NA yes NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Stats for DV Formula_TYVid.xlsx NA 2019-08-23 2018 2 TY Video’, WRD (ignore latter) yes no 27 71 NA NA yes no yes NA NA recoverable NA NA yes
Stats for DV formulas_TY Video-ID-removed.xlsx yes 2019-08-23 2018 2 TY Video’, WRD (ignore latter) yes no 27 71 NA NA yes no yes 14496 6423 recoverable NA NA yes
TYVid Email Test DV.xlsx no (redundant) 2019-12-16 2019 1 TYVid NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA recoverable?
tyvid-email-test-dv-2019.xlsx yes 2019-12-16 2019 1 TYVid yes? no? 47 38 NA NA yes yes no NA NA 8708 NA NA no
Stats for DV formulas_TYVid DV.xlsx for ranks only? 2019-12-16 2019 1 stats yes no? 44 35 NA NA yes no yes NA NA recoverable NA NA yes
(2019.12.06 TYVid Email Test DV.xlsx) (yes) 2020-04-29 2019 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Table 7.1: key missing elements
filename Key missing elements
TYEmailVideo_Results2.xlsx Sum of squares and ranks for donations from all modes
unlinked-2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier.xlsx Counts and amounts by treatment for gifts from all modes including indirect
2019.08.27 TYVideo Impact Test DV2.xlsx NA
Stats for DV Formula_TYVid.xlsx Similar statistics for gifts from all modes including indirect
Stats for DV formulas_TY Video-ID-removed.xlsx Similar statistics for gifts from all modes including indirect
TYVid Email Test DV.xlsx NA
tyvid-email-test-dv-2019.xlsx NA
Stats for DV formulas_TYVid DV.xlsx NA
(2019.12.06 TYVid Email Test DV.xlsx) NA
Table 7.1: Notes
filename notes notes_2
TYEmailVideo_Results2.xlsx what is ‘form name’? NA
unlinked-2019.02.26 TYVideo Impact Test DV2-no outlier.xlsx Different breakdown of donations in bins than for TYEmailVideo_Results2.xlsx; some less, some more Explanation (Kiki/CRS) – more donations came in, some were cancelled or never paid; latter file more reliable
2019.08.27 TYVideo Impact Test DV2.xlsx Updates the above through August; but the only difference is 1000 more email opens and 1 click. ATM (20 Feb 2020) this is in Kiki’s folder only.
Stats for DV Formula_TYVid.xlsx Not sure on the date NA
Stats for DV formulas_TY Video-ID-removed.xlsx Not sure on the date NA
TYVid Email Test DV.xlsx NA NA
tyvid-email-test-dv-2019.xlsx renaming of ‘TYVid Email Test DV.xls’, removing links order of impact/anchor switched in table
Stats for DV formulas_TYVid DV.xlsx Why are fewer gifts listed here vs. in ‘tyvid-email-test-dv-2019.xlsx’? It cannot be explained by outliers Kiki: When I asked I got the attached response which didn’t shed any light. They never replied back to my response/hypothesis. I would trust the first file since they might have messed something up when they were preparing the formula file.
(2019.12.06 TYVid Email Test DV.xlsx) same content as “tyvid-email-test-dv-2019.xlsx” CRS confirms this is the correct one

7.5 Inputting ‘raw data sent to us’, creating organised data files


7.6 Hand work in excel



TODO: re-construct data from original files using R, no Excel work

7.7 Post-implementation: Other notes from partner, responses to questions about implementation